Wednesday, July 19, 2006

And the outcome is... *drum roll*

My father's heart surgery went fine. He had a double bypass, his arteries and everything are good. He is in intensive care right now, and should be out in about 24 hours. He has a nurse all to his own for the next day and she stated that he was recovering well. He hasn't woken up yet, but should within the next 12 or so hours.

On a side note, his gender reassignment also went as planned. He picked out his new name yesterday and he... she would prefer if you call her Loretta Jacqueline Foxy Sxxxxxx. She is very happy with the outcome of her surgery and I can officially state that I have two mommies.

My new mother also got some collagen injected into her lips so she can look like her idol... Angelina Jolie. It looks very nice on her and she is now thinking of adopting two Cambodian children.

The nurses that were helping with the surgery were very amused by the blue toenails. They were a bit afraid to ask about it at first but L. J. Foxy does not have any shame.

Also, Jack (L. J. Foxy's cat daughter) is missing his mother as well. He is wandering around the house meowing. It's almost moving, if it weren't a cat.

Thank you for keeping my father... now mother in your hearts and prayers. We will update again later to keep you all informed.


Blogger Allison said...

Excellent news! Thank you for the update. It's great to see Jack's sense of humor has been instilled in you as well. *grin*

11:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to hear the good news.

The rest of the update was possibly the funniest thing I've read all year.

We should have put you on the writing staff for the latest "Pirates" movie.



12:16 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Somehow, I knew that was how things were going to turn out.

Heal quick, Jack!

12:33 PM  
Blogger highd1 said...

Now I really have to go out and buy some shot glasses!


1:59 PM  
Blogger Algae said...

Thanks for the update. I'm glad all went well.


3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything went well, now we all have to remember the new name. ;->

6:08 PM  
Blogger GERBEN said...

Great news! And LMAO at the rest of the post. Angelian! ROFLMAO! Great!

8:08 AM  

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