Thursday, July 27, 2006

I have become comfortably numb.

On my sunrise walk this morning, it occurred to me that I am now entirely without agenda. I don't have any plans for my day or for the week or anything that needs to be done in the next minute, hour, day or week. It's an odd place to be, and I'm not sure I'm okay with it, but then again, it is what it is.

Back when I had a life, I usually had this mental list of things I had to get done before noon, before the end of the work day, that evening and sometime during the week, but I honestly have nothing of the sort anymore. Sure, there are things I plan to do: some dishes, a bit of laundry, sort through some financial stuff, but honestly if none of that kids dune today well *shrugs*...

On more whimsical news, two of my cats decided to join me on my one mile sunrise walk. They followed me for the longest time before I even realized they were there. Once I acknowleged them they came up and walked with me, one to either side as if they were guarding me against any rodents that might cross my path. I'm not sure why they decided to do this, but it was amusing.

As for my health; everything continues to get a bit better each day. My sternum probably gives me the most trouble, but the pain pills seem to make this not so bad. My temperature has settled in at about 97 degrees and the thermostat issues are not so drastic. I even feel a bit better on each successive morning walk. I'm not ready to head back into life quite yet, but I can see that there will be light at the end of this tunnel.

There is no pain, you are receding. A distant ships smoke on the horizon....



Blogger GERBEN said...

Aww, I love the fact that your cats went on a walk with you. I can almost picture them. Watching over and guarding their owner from any ninja crazed rats. I have no idea why they would be ninja rats, but it just seems funny to me.

Take it easy and enjoy your walks.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Jack Dragon said...

Yeah, I'm certain those two cats knew I needed an escort this morning. They surely saved my life all the while I was just gimping along unaware of the danger around me.

7:44 PM  
Blogger The Linzer said...

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1:28 PM  
Blogger The Linzer said...

lawrence, you do have an agenda...keep getting better so that when JC does something that makes you laugh hard, we aren't all afraid that your chest will split open. because that would be bad and make us cry.

if y'all need anything, let me know!

1:31 PM  

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